Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend stuff

Hi everyone! This weekend was the most relaxing one that I've had in a while. It's about time, right? This was the first weekend that I didn't really plan anything. Jarrett always makes fun of me because usually I plan our weekends out every week. What? I just love to make plans and to have a packed weekend. I can't help it. It's a habit! Ha! Any who! Despite my planning ways, I did not plan anything for this weekend, but this is what we ended up doing anyways!

Friday night as you saw in my recent Friday Five, we went to the laundry mat and ate Wendy's while we did our laundry. Does this bother me that this was what our Friday night consisted of? Nope, sure does not! My husband and I are really laid back. Yes we like to go out on the weekends and do fun things and go to fun places, but sometimes we don't care what we do, as long as we are together while doing it! I could be stranded in a desert with him and still be happy because I was with him. I don't care. We don't have to be doing anything really productive to have a great Friday or Saturday night.  

Saturday night we went over to my IL's to have a pizza and wings night. So delicious! This was just the thing I needed after a really long week. Our store manager had to go out of town really quick for a family matter, so I had to run the store for four days. Let me tell you, I was a bit exhausted when I left work on Saturday. I needed pizza, wings and wine bad! Then for dessert she made me a shortcake with whipped cream, honey and cinnamon on it. YUM! It was a great evening with my family. After dinner we walked back over to our town home and I was able to snap a beautiful sunset picture! I live for sunsets like that one!
Sunday, we went to a really good church service that you can read about here. After church we went out to lunch at the yummy Chinese Buffet then we picked up a couple things at Farm Fresh because we'd be going over to my IL's again for dinner. When we got home we decided to take Leo to the little park area on base. We wanted to take him to the beach, but none of the beaches around here allow animals. We had the best time and Leo just acted like he had been there before. He ran and played hard. He wore himself out. I also got a lot of good pictures at the park. There were model planes, little monuments and every state flag all in a circle! So neat! We found ourselves wondering why we had never spent an afternoon there before! It was such a nice, relaxing afternoon with my main men! Then we came home and got ready for another family dinner together. 
Maryland flag
Alaska flag
Model plane and all the flags in a circle
Today, I had a "me" day. I had planned to make today a cleaning day, but I never ever get a day at home to myself so I decided to do my cleaning tomorrow night and Wednesday night instead. I slept in a little then went and got a mocha frappe from McDonald's to start my day out. I then decided to do some work on the blog for a while. I have been having some trouble making a layout that I really like for my blog. I'm not really good at blog design and I never seem to be satisfied with how my blog looks. I think I'm finally going to hunker down and just pay a designer to make me a custom design. There are still many other changes I would like to make and I wish I could make them all over night. I guess making your blog exactly what you want it to be takes time. Eventually my blog will be everything I want it to be.

After playing around with the blog all morning, I met Jarrett at the gym when he was done work. We had a great work out together. I absolutely love working out right next to my husband. I bet we look totally cool being right next to each other on the treadmill! Ha! After the gym we came home and cooked our weeknight dinner. We have decided to eat at home all week including cooking dinner together every week night. We are going to save our weekends for eating meals out. After I cleaned up the kitchen, we went to Rita's for a scrumptious Strawberry Gelati! Perfect end to my second day off! 

Hope every one's weekend was great. 
Hope you all had a relaxing time as well. 
Are some of y'all like me and like to plan your weekends out?


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