Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weekend stuff

Happy weekend y'all! I must say, I am just a tad bit jealous of all of you that have little kids and took them to the pumpkin patch this weekend! And also very very jealous that you get to dress them up in the cutest Halloween costumes ever too! Every time I got on Facebook this weekend I saw all the cute pictures of the kids dressed up and picking our pumpkins and then my baby fever kicked in even more. More on baby fever in a post to come over the next couple of weeks! Now, on to the weekend!
My weekend did not start out so good. It all started Thursday when I woke up with a very upset stomach! I had to work at two, so I was hoping that I would feel better, but no dice. I still went into work thinking that I would feel better once I got there and did a lot of stuff. Nope. No dice once again. I then took my break and grabbed a Sprite from the drink machine thinking that that would definitely help me get through the rest of the night at work okay. Haha no way that was happening. After my break I vomited twice within an hour and then I knew the stomach bug had hit me. Yeah I know, TMI, but that's exactly what happened! Finally work was over and it was time to go home and get to bed. I vomited twice in the middle of the night and knew that if I didn't go to the doctor on Friday that it could get worse!
I usually wait until the last possible second to go to the doctor, but I was starting my full time job on Monday and knew that I had to get rid of this bug fast before Monday came. On Friday I woke up and still felt horrible so I went to the hospital and missed out on work that day. Wouldn't you know it though that the day I get sick and the first time I have to go to our new hospital all by myself, it would be the day that they are having trick or treating at the hospital and that I had to fight through huge crowds of kids to get to the Family Health Clinic! It was insane! There were soooo many kids and I got lost! When I finally got through the crowds and made it to Family Health they took me back right away! They were so quick too! They ruled it a stomach virus right away and sent me to the pharmacy for my medication and before I knew it I was out of there! Thank goodness! The rest of the day I made a date with our couch and handsome little man. Leo was the best little side kick while I was sick.
Later on when Jarrett got home from work, I wanted to try to eat since I had not eaten in over 24 hours! He made me chicken noodle soup and it tasted like heaven. I was still hungry after the soup and ate half a bologna and cheese sandwich too of which I was able to keep that down along with the soup. Whew good! I was also able to get a good nights sleep that night without getting sick again. Saturday I woke up feeling so much better and went back to work at twelve. I went the whole day and night feeling pretty normal and my appetite came back in full force! I ate a little on my break and then I decided to be really brave and grab a cheeseburger and fries on the way home from work. I paced myself and only ate half the cheeseburger and fries. It was delicious and I still felt fine after eating it!
Today I woke up to another wonderful night of sleep and took on the day at work again. After I got home, Jarrett made a delicious steak dinner and I ate all of it! It's pretty much safe to say that it was just a little two day bug and I'm very glad it's gone! After dinner, I got to cuddle on the couch with my two guys and watch some football. Boo the Ravens lost to the stupid Steelers, but it's all good. We'll get them next time! Just watching football with my boys was the perfect end to a crazy, but good weekend.
I will leave you with the wise words of Si to start your week off with a smile or laugh! I start my full time career tomorrow and although I am pretty nervous and anxious, I am trying to just take it easy and let God take control. I am trying to just stay calm, cool and collective as I yet again, deal with a big change in my life. I have been able to deal with a lot over the past three months and now I will take this on too. One change after another I will get through anything that comes my way!
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