Friday, December 7, 2012

Seven years together!

Today marks seven years since Jarrett and I went on our first date and fell in love. I cannot believe how much time has passed since then. Just to fill you in a little (or a lot), Jarrett and I met while we were eighteen working at the restaurant Fuddruckers. He had already worked at the restaurant about a year or so before I came along. For about seven months all there was between us were looks at each other back and forth. You know, that whole I'm staring at you, but I don't want you to know I'm looking at you, so as soon as you look at me, I'm going to look away kind of thing. I caught him staring at me ALL the time even though he will still never admit it. For seven months it was only looks back and forth. No real conversations or anything. Just looks.
Finally, I got up the courage to even admit that I might really like him. I told my friends Lauren and Wendy that worked with us too. They became so excited when I told them and they even noticed that he would stare at me a lot haha. All of a sudden the whole restaurant knew that I had a serious crush on him and then his buddies said that he felt the same way about me. Of course I get all giddy like a little high school girl. At one point or another, Wendy ended up giving him my phone number because we were both too nervous to do anything about how we felt.
About two days later after Wendy gave him my phone number, he texted me. My heart literally jumped out of my chest when I realized that it was a text from him. We then started texting every day, then making small talk at work then finally, he asked me out on a date to the movies. On this day seven years ago, we went to the movies to see Saw II! Yes, Saw II! Jarrett let me pick the movie, and I of course, just had to pick a scary movie. It was the perfect first date in my opinion. Jarrett was a perfect gentleman the whole night and even put his arm around me during a really scary part of the movie. Gosh, what more could a girl ask for?
From that night on, we were inseparable! We were together every day all the time. I then found out from his best friend, Mark, that he had enlisted in the US Air force just months before meeting me. I was pretty devastated with the news because I knew our relationship wouldn't last because of the military. Jarrett didn't even tell me about his plans until literally a month before he left for basic training. He didn't want to tell me because he thought I would break up with him. Little did he know that I felt the same way, that he would break up with me before leaving.
We then decided to sit down and have a serious talk about what to do. Come to find out, neither of us wanted to break up. Neither of us gave it one thought in our minds that we should break up. I couldn't believe it. My boyfriend was joining the military and actually wanted to stay with me and still be my boyfriend even though we didn't know what the future held for us. Two days before Jarrett left, he asked me to marry him even though we had only been together for a few months. I said yes, of course, and Jarrett went out and bought me a ring right then and there because he wanted me to have something on my finger while he was gone.
You would have thought that I would have freaked out at the thought of just becoming a military fiance, but I felt just the opposite. I was calm, cool and collective at the thought. From then on, I saw myself as a military wife. I was born for the role. I wasn't scared of it at all. I surprised myself big time.
Well, we made it through basic training, clinging on to letters left and right. We made it though Technical School. Jarrett then got his orders for Langley AFB, Virginia, and we were so excited that we would only be three hours apart. We then made it through him being here in Virginia and me being back in Maryland working practically full time and going to school full time. We have made it through so much to be where we are now. I would not change a thing about our life and everything that we had to go through. In the end, it was all worth it.
Heres to seven more years and getting through everything that life has to throw at us!

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