Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Five

Now that I'm back in the blogging world, it is time for Friday Five again! Yay I'm so excited! My weeks are so jam packed these days so Friday Fives will be jam packed as well. You might even see Friday letters again too, but you'll have to wait and see!

1. Over Christmas, we received many gifts from family and friends. Every Christmas, my dad always gets me a gift relating to cooking or baking. This year along with a pale pink Kitchen Aid mixer and a Pioneer Woman cookbook he also sent this neat little kit. It is a Smore's Cookie Kit. I'm not sure where he found it at, but it is the coolest baking kit. It even comes with its own cookie pan that you can keep and reuse. I almost forgot that I had the kit until Jarrett reminded me to make it. Jarrett had a sweet tooth Saturday night, so I decided to finally make the cookie kit. Man oh man it was delicious! We had the whole cookie demolished by the end of the weekend!
2. I have been dying to make a yarn wreath for some time now and I finally made the time to sit down and make one. Even on my days off I am extremely busy with housework, errands and doing stuff for work. I rarely have time for myself  to do things such as crafting, reading, working out, etc. These are hobbies that I love and I am now working on fitting these things into my new busy life. Friday night after work I decided to finally go to Michael's to look around and purchase the materials needed to make my wreath. Wreaths can be very expensive, so I've decided to start making my own. A post on how to make them will come a little later. For now, I will leave you with my first wreath! I love it and I'm so proud of it!
3. One of my best friends, Brooke, and her husband Matt welcomed their adorable mini dachshund to their family on Monday. This little guy is Tucker and he is just the cutest thing ever. Brooke got Tucker through the same breeder that we got Leo from. I was so happy for her when she told me that they were getting a dachshund through the same breeder! We had the best experience with our breeder and were so happy to get our Leo from her. I strongly encourage anyone in the Salisbury, MD area that is looking for a dachshund to visit our breeder's website 
4. I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely love having two dogs. Although they wear me out and drive me insane some nights, I love them both so much. I am amazed at how well they have adjusted to one another. It is like we should have had them both together all along. Not to say that we have not had some issues with them, but for the most part we have been very fortunate to have a little dog and a big dog get along so well. I just love them and I cannot wait to see how they do when we bring a baby home for the first time. 
5. I am so excited that we are finally buying a new computer this weekend! We are finally buying a desk top computer too instead of another lap top. We have always just had a lap top that we both share and we have been talking about buying a desk top for the longest time. Now that it is tax return time, it is desk top computer time. Now I will have a computer during deployments instead of having to go to the library since Jarrett takes the lap top with him on deployments. I think more than anything I am excited to have a brand new computer to blog on. It will feel awesome to blog and not have to worry about it taking forever due to the slowness of the lap top! Below is the computer that Jarrett found at Best Buy. I cannot wait to get it home and do my first blog post on it! 
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