Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Brooke's Wedding

The gazebo where Brooke and Matt got married! Love it!
The bridesmaids getting ready to get their hair done
A toast with the bridesmaids before go time
My beautiful best friend and her amazing dad
Mr. Kieth giving his daughter away
The cupcake tower wedding cake! Looks delicious!

The back of Brooke's dress! Stunning!
The wedding party
The bride and groom with their mini groomsman!

*These pictures were taken from Brooke's Facebook page and not taken by me because I could not be there! :(
 I HATED not being able to be in my best friend, Brooke's, wedding on Saturday! I spent the whole day being sad about it. Lets rewind shall we! Last year a little before Christmas I believe, another one of my best friends got engaged! I was so excited for and she could not be marrying a better man than my awesome buddy Matt. It just so happened that Matt lived in the house right next to our other best friend, Erica. Brooke, Erica and I have been three peas in a pod for a long time now, so it was natural that Brooke would be over at Erica's house a lot. Of course, one thing led to another and Brooke and Matt began dating. After dating for a little over two years, Matt popped the question. I was so excited because I knew I would be asked to be a bridesmaid. Not long after the engagement happened, I received a text from Brooke asking me to be a bridesmaid along side with Erica and of course I said YES! As a Christmas gift, Brooke even gave us all a sea shell ornament with our name on it and bridesmaid written underneath our name. Adorable idea! Little did I know that months later, I would not be able to fulfill my duties as bridesmaid because of our orders to Alaska. By the time we had received the orders, I had already bought my dress, of course. I could not get my money back either, but it's okay because I have this gorgeous coral dress that just needs a little alteration and it will be ready to wear to any formal event. Viola!
After receiving the orders and knowing that we had to be in Alaska before the wedding just broke my heart. I felt as if I was ruining her wedding day! I should have been there for her. I should have found a way to be there, but you know in the military that it is hard to commit to things sometimes. I did not want to commit and tell her I would find a way and then not be able to find a way at all. I could not disappoint her a second time even though she understood very well as to why I could not be there. Even though I could not be in the wedding or at it, I was able to attend her bridal shower that you can see here and also her bachelorette party that is here! I'm so glad that I could be there for her in some way!
I hated how I felt on her wedding day. I am four thousand miles away from everyone that I love and many people that I love were together at the wedding without me. My mom was there and it was hard for her to be there without me. She actually felt guilty for being there knowing that I was sitting at home so far away, but I was so glad she was there. It made me feel a little bit better knowing she was there and knowing that she had a wonderful time. A couple hours after the actual ceremony, I found myself stalking Facebook like a crazy woman waiting for those tagged pictures to pop up on her page. One by one people started posting and tagging and I'll admit, I got a little teary eyed looking at those pictures, the pictures that I should have been in. When I caught myself feeling sad again, I immediately stopped, took a breath and realized that it was not about me and whether I was there or not. It was about my best friend marrying the love of her life. She was not mad at me for not being there. She knew I loved her and that I was thinking of her. I did not ruin her wedding. I finally stopped feeling sorry for myself and started being happy. I was happy for her. I was happy that she was surrounded by tons of friends and family. She had a beautiful and heart felt wedding day and I was so glad for her. And because she is such a wonderful friend, she had the wedding recorded for me and will be sending me the CD as soon as she can! I cannot wait to watch it!
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