I am having one of those days. Not a bad "one of those days", but a good one. A day where I am at home thinking. Thinking about my life and how it has changed so much over the past few months! When I think about everything, no matter how hard it is to be away from everything and everyone that I love so dearly, I am blessed. We are blessed. Jarrett and I have been so blessed ever since we got here. We were blessed from the beginning. With getting to spend so much time with family and friends and with such a smooth drive to Alaska, God poured his favor over us. Like I've said before, Jarrett and I have had bad luck with trips and road trips in the past, but this 4.000 mile drive worked out better than we could have imagined! It was amazing! Then the day after we got here, we were offered a beautiful home on base. A home much bigger than our old home. A home bigger than we could have dreamed of. Then two days after accepting the housing offer, we moved in. A couple days later Jarrett reported for duty. He absolutely loves his squadron and the people that he works with. Then a week after moving in, I was able to obtain employment at one of the Hallmark stores here for more money an hour and full time hours, plus I've already had some really good interviews for other really good full time careers with wonderful companies. I am feeling good on the career front and hoping for some really good news for you all soon! Maybe my career search will be over once in for all soon!
We also traded my 2007 Impala in for a brand new 2014 Jeep Patriot which is only costing me $100 more than my old car payment and I received a much better rate. This Jeep has everything that Jarrett and I need to get us through the ferocious winters that Alaska has to offer otherwise we would be paying a ton of money to add things to both vehicles that are required in Alaska driving conditions. It felt so awesome to purchase my first new vehicle and for us to do it all on our own without our parents helping us financially or helping us through the car buying process. Other little blessings include being able to Facetime with my mom every day, living right up the street from the BX/commissary, having my own washer and dryer and being able to do laundry whenever I want, having a bigger kitchen so that Jarrett and I can cook together without bumping into each other, the fact that Leo is taking the move so well and adjusting as well as we have, being able to upgrade to a new and better phone, being able to look outside my living room window to big beautiful mountains, the fact that Jarrett is making more money being stationed here therefore we are able to afford a little more, and the list goes on and on. As much as God has blessed us already, I can only imagine how he will bless us in the near future and further into the future!
Isn't it amazing how blessed we really are? I keep thinking the same thing throughout our move too!