Monday, April 22, 2013

A home sweet home weekend, baby Austyn and reenlistment

I had a fantastic weekend in Maryland! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend as well! Saturday I got off work early so I was able to get on the road earlier than usual to go to Maryland! Leo and I rolled into Salisbury around 6:30ish and then mom, Matt and I went out to dinner at La Tolteca. Mexican food sounded amazing after the long drive. It was so scrumptious! After dinner we went by the local pet store and saw all the adorable puppies. So cute! Then we went back to Matt's house so I could see my other brother Chris and their cat Zoe! Zoe is the sweetest cat ever! I love all the pets in our family!

Sunday, mom and I went to church and then got yummy sushi for lunch. After lunch we went to Erica's house to finally meet miss Austyn! Brooke and her mom were there too so we were all able to be together to spend time with baby girl! Holding her was the most amazing feeling! She is the most beautiful baby and such a little sweetheart! I fell in love with her immediately! I e-mailed the picture of me holding her to Jarrett and he laughed and said it was scary me holding a baby! I told him he better get ready because it will be us in a couple years! Haha! I think he is finally warming up to the idea of us becoming parents! I sure can't wait to start our family!

Later on I went over to my dad's for Sunday dinner! It was great because my brothers were there too! It was wonderful to have everyone together and the food wasn't bad either. I mean, isn't the food at my dad's always good? After dinner I went over to Brooke's to spend some more time with her and her family! She showed me some of her wedding decorations of which were gorgeous, and I started to feel kind of down that I'm not able to be in the wedding anymore because of our orders! I hate having to miss out on something so important in her life. I know there is nothing that I can do about it, but it still hurts not being able to be there! I am just lucky that I have a best friend that completely understands my life and why I can't be there.

Yesterday, Jarrett reenlisted for six more years in the Air force! He had to reenlist to accept our Alaska orders. I could not be prouder of him! I also met mom for lunch while she was on her lunch break from work. We went to a restaurant right across from her work and of course it was delicious. After lunch I came home and rested with the pups a little and then got ready to drive back to Virginia. On my way out of town I took Leo to my mom's office so she could say bye to him. He loves his Gamaw! The drive back home was so tiring! I ended up stopping for a mocha frappe because I was so tired! I need to learn to take a nap before driving that long. Also, Leo was such a big boy during both trips! He did not get sick at all. This is a big accomplishment for him and I am so proud of him for it! That Dramamine is doing its job! Now I can have a huge sigh of relief for our big drive to Alaska!

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