Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Some more things about the Enchanted Air Force wife

1. If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would it be?
-Some days I feel like there are many things that I would do differently and other days I feel as if I wouldn't change a thing. I mean, these feelings literally change daily. Right now, I will stick with not changing a thing. Everything happens for a reason and without those things I wouldn't be who I am today!

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
-I see myself in Alaska of course and I see myself having a career there, have children there, falling more in love with my husband there and us just living our life together and facing every bump that comes our way!

3. Do you honestly want kids?
-Yesssss! I want at the very most four kids even though my husband thinks I'm crazy. Lately I have been surrounded by babies everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE! Everywhere I turn, there is a huge pregnant woman or a newborn baby or someone I know announcing their pregnancy. I can't escape the possibilities of motherhood and the more I am faced with these baby like things, the more I want children right this second.

4. What has been the best moment of your life so far?
-The best moment in my life so far is of course my wedding day. I went through hell and back to find my gem of a husband and the day that I married him made me the happiest ever in my life.

5. What is your life theme song?
-Enchanted by Taylor Swift

6. What is one thing you have yet to accomplish that you want to do before you die?
-Travel. Travel a lot. I feel like our move to Alaska is the icing on the cake to start our traveling journeys. Jarrett and I love trips and traveling and we haven't always been able to just travel whenever we want because life always gets in the way.

7. If you could choose one thing to be known for, what would it be?
-I want to be known as the girl that loved Jarrett with all her heart. Love is the most happiest and important thing in the world and I just want to be known as a girl that loved another with all her heart and soul!

8. If you could do anything you wanted right in this very moment (no consequences, no fear, etc.) what would it be?
-For Jarrett and I to just hop in the truck and drive to Alaska to see what we're up against. Sometimes I just want to get in the truck with Jarrett and just drive, drive and drive and leave everything else behind!

9. What has been the most challenging moment in your life?
-The past three years have been the most challenging. I have had to transition into being a college graduate, moving away from my family and friends, avid full time job seeker with no luck, Air Force wife, house wife and now an Air Force wife having to move across the country. My life has changed so much over the past three years and although this is the most challenging time in my life, some days it is the most exciting!

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