So, two months and one day after I was born, this handsome guy was born! My husband turned 27 yesterday and we celebrated by taking him to breakfast and then taking him to his favorite store Cabelas which just opened here in Anchorage. Cabelas is Jarrett's absolute favorite outdoors store and it just so happens that they opened the day before his birthday. Perfect timing, right? After a long afternoon of shopping at Cabelas, we came home and ate birthday cake. I got Jarrett a strawberry ice cream cake from Marble Slab Creamery. It was so delicious and he loved every bit of if! It also worked out really well that his mom was visiting during his birthday. It was just an all and all great day spent with the birthday boy and my mother in law.
Now a letter to the birthday boy.
Dear Jarrett,
Happy birthday honey! We are both officially 27! Woo hoo! I cannot believe that we are now considered in our late 20's and that we are basically pushing our 30's! Insane, babe! We met and started dating when we had just turned 18. My how time flys! I just want to say that I am so proud of you for all of your accomplishments! You have done so many amazing things since you entered the Air Force and I am so honored to be apart of it all. You are the best husband, Staff Sergeant, fur daddy and future father to our children and I cannot wait for the future with you. Thank you for choosing me as your wife even though I know I can be a lot to handle sometimes! No matter how tough our military life may be at times, I will follow you to the ends of the earth! That will never change! I love you, honey! Happy birthday once again!

Ahh Strawberry ice cream cake sounds amazing! Happy Birthday!!