Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Saying "see you later" instead of "goodbye"!

Tomorrow starts our first official day of driving to Alaska! Crazy, huh? Yeah I know, I still can't believe it myself! It feels like just yesterday Jarrett was deployed to Japan and called me while I was out running errands to tell me the news. I knew news like this was coming, but had no idea it was coming right then when my husband still had three months left in his deployment. Now here we are all moved out of our town home, my car already shipped from Portsmouth, all out processing done, already said "see you later" to everyone in Virginia and now having to do it all over again in Maryland. Since we got to Maryland last Thursday, we have been busy busy bees seeing our families and spending time with our friends all while preparing for our two week drive to Alaska. I'm pretty exhausted from all the people we've seen and had to say "see you later" to! I refuse to say "goodbye"! Why would I say that anyway? I mean, it's not like I'm never going to see anyone again. I will see my family and I will see my friends when it is meant for me to see them. God has it in his hands. Why should I worry? That's right, I shouldn't, and I won't! So for now, I will leave you all with a "see you later" as well. I will do my best to make blogging a priority while on this drive and will do what I can to keep everyone updated with my words and my pictures along the way. You can also keep up with me through my personal Facebook // the blog Facebook // Instagram // Pinterest // Twitter for all of my updates from state to state and for when we reach Canada and Alaska! See you all later!
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  1. I hope everything goes well and you have safe travels! :)

  2. how exciting! take in the sights, enjoy your adventure! safe travels :)

  3. Thanks Nikki! We'll be in a Alaska in about five more days!!! I'm so excited!!!!


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your comments! I love hearing what you have to say, so comment away! You can also reach me through e-mail @ khayman27@gmail.com! :)

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