Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blog every day in May: Day nineteen

Today's topic in the #BlogeverydayinMay challenge is "Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them!" There are so many amazing bloggers our there that I look up to as a fairly new blogger. There are definetly five that I can single out for this post. They are phenomenal women with passion and drive, plus they all have really cute and adorable blogs. These women are my blog role models, plus role models in real life. 

1. Sarah from The Not Quite Military Wife ( This lady is a fellow military wife and she is awesome. She is a brand new mommy and already had to deal with having a newborn during a deployment. Wow! Having to deal with your husband being deployed right after your daughter's birth is not an easy thing and it certainly wasn't easy for Sarah, but she held up the fort being strong for their baby girl. Such an inspiration. I might be hitting her up for advice in a couple years when we have our first child. 
2. Katie from Katie Did What ( This girl cracks me up so much. She is so cute. I love her blog because it explores so much from fashion, to all of the things that she loves,  to her weekends with her husband watching Lifetime movies together. She has been through so much in her life, but she has come out on top every time. All you have to do is read one of her posts and you're in love already. Plus I kind of like her name!
3. Ashley from The Sweet Season ( I love love love Ashley's blog. Her blog covers EVERYTHING from recipes, to the cutest DIY projects, to her own photography business, moving around for her husband's job, her adorable puppy daughter Bella, and her pregnancy with her little boy. One thing that I truly admire about her blog is that she lays it all out there. She doesn't hold back her feelings for anyone. She writes in detail about some of the hardest times in her life and I think she deserves a medal. 
4. Jill from Baby B ( I have personally known Jill probably ever since middle school. We went to middle school, high school and some college together. She started her baby blog after finding out that her and her husband Colby were expecting their first child, a baby girl named Brooke Nicole. What makes Jill's blog so neat is that she documented her whole pregnancy through her blog. She used a cute chalkboard to do her weekly baby bump photos as well. She gave me the idea to start a baby blog as well when Jarrett and I become pregnant with our first baby. Such a great idea!
5. Samantha from Hooah and Hiccups ( Samantha is another military wife having to deal with deployments while being the mom to an adorable baby boy. She started her blog during a tough deployment. She is a lot like me because blogging becomes our way of coping and getting through those hard deployments. Blogging keeps us sane during those times. Much like Sarah, she has to hold down the fort with her baby boy when her husband is gone. I will be asking her for advice too when my time comes. 
If there is one thing that I have learned from blogging, it is that we are all so much alike. All of our stories intertwine some how and it is such a comfort to know that I can read someone's blog and know exactly what they are going through. No matter how different our lives may be, there are so many similarities. I can't tell you how many times I have read a blog and felt the same way that those ladies felt or went through the same thing that they went through. It is such a comfort to know that we are never truly alone. 



  1. You are so sweet Katie! And I will happily give you advice when you are pregnant!

  2. Well I meant every word! I love your story and your blog! :)


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