Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday's Letters!

Dear husband, I cannot wait to actually spend some quality time with you for a change. I'm still a little sad that I saw you for only five minutes on our wedding anniversary, but it's ok, you're still my husband at the end of the day. Christmas at home will be amazing this year. I love you and happy three year wedding anniversary. I will see you in the morning because I am tired and will go to bed soon. :) Dear Leo, Can you PLEASE stop licking your neuter incision? I am really getting nervous that it could already be getting infected because you won't leave it alone. This stupid e-collar crap is for the birds. It is not working for you and I really do not want to get you a cone, so STOP it! Love you little man! Dear Christmas in Maryland, Hurry it up will ya? I've been waiting all week for you to show up. Just one more eight hour day at Hallmark and I will be off and we will be home for three days. I am literally counting the hours until we can leave Virginia. Dear Winter, Yay I'm so excited that you are finally here. I know everyone else shuns you and loves Summer the most, but I love you and Fall the most. You and fall are my favorite seasons. Now bring on the snow please. Thanks! Dear Fireproof movie, You seriously get me every time. Watching you on my anniversary brings me so much happiness and joy even though Jarrett and I could not be together today. Thanks for coming on TV and brightening my day.

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