Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A weekend of childhood reminiscing!

Okay okay...I've been really bad at updating lately. I'm just going to go ahead and blame it on the puppy. I have literally had my hands full with him when I'm not at work. Jarrett and I are on opposite work schedules right now, so when I'm coming home, he's going to work. This means I have the whole entire evening with Leo until Jarrett gets home at midnight. Needless to say, I'm a bit exhausted. Anyway, this past weekend was mini vacation time for me. Jarrett wasn't able to come because he got sick at the last minute. Total bummer, but the weekend was still amazing just the same. Every summer since I was a kid, my dad would take my brothers and me camping or white water rafting. Now that we are all grown up, we have kind of left the whole camping trip every summer thing on the back burner. I had decided that it was time to go back to it. Although my brothers couldn't make it this time, I was able to spend some quality time with my dad and, for once, there was a woman on the trip, my dad's long time girlfriend, Kelly. Every summer we went it was always just me and the boys, no other girls or women at all. This time was really nice to have another female to hang with. I needed this weekend so bad. I needed to get away and enjoy the fresh air. I needed to clear my head. I didn't have a care in the world for once. I didn't mind at all just spending time with my dad, one on one. Going back to Cherrystone with my dad brought back so many memories. All these thoughts came flowing back all at once. Things that I hadn't thought about since I was twelve. Yes it had been twelve years since I had been there. We took many strolls around the campsite while we were there. My dad even remembered so many things that I remembered. Me falling off my bike and skinning my knee pretty bad. Me crabbing for the very first time. My dad taking us to get ice cream at the Little Neck Cafe. My little brother and I making our own tye dye shirts at the craft center. Playing tennis together as a family. Riding paddle boats together. My dad making his famous hobo meals for dinner. There are a ton more memories, and I could go on forever, but then I would be writing a book. It was a simple weekend full of the simple things in life. It was one of those weekends that reminded me of just how blessed I truly am and how blessed I've been my whole life.


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