This blog has really put me out of my comfort zone. You might think that saying how I feel comes natural for me, but this is not the case. I have always had a lot to say, but was always fearful of other's reactions to my words. Would someone take offense to my words? How would what I say affect my image? What would others think of me? Well, I'm done worrying about what other's think. If someone doesn't like this blog then who cares! I sure don't! Everyone is going to judge you. There is no way around it. You can't please everyone. You just have to have courage everyday in whatever you are doing. Starting this blog is just one of the many random acts of courage that I plan on achieving throughout my life.
Another RAC was finding a new church to start attending. Although I still attend my church back in Maryland when I come home, Jarrett and I have been thinking way too long about finding a church here, but we never really acted on it. Well, my in laws just relocated here and they were obviously looking for a new church as well. Jarrett mentioned that there was a really great church in Yorktown that some of his co-workers attend, so before we knew it, we were visiting Northside Christian Church. We visited the church last Sunday, and we immediately felt at home. Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith and jump in. After the service was over, I felt this huge sign of relief. I felt joy. We visited the church again today and still felt that feeling of joy. That feeling that this was where God wanted me to be. Sometimes when we take a leap of faith and do a random act of courage, we end up right where we're supposed to be!
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